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ANZAC Day 2024

ANZAC Day 2024

As dawn breaks across Australia this morning communities have gathered to participate in Dawn Services across our major cities and in our smallest rural communities.

This term at St.Vincent's our children have learnt more about ANZAC Day through literacy and art lessons, with our Student Leadership Team attending the Shrine of Remembrance ANZAC Day event last week.
Today our school will participate in the Morwell RSL Parade and Service, with our student leaders invite to be in the parade and lay a wreath during the service. We encourage all school families to consider attending this important annual event. Please note that the 2024 route will be different to the past few years, starting from the Town Common and travelling along Elgin Street to the RSL for the Service.
The event is scheduled to start at 11.30am with details listed on the Latrobe City website. We anticipate that the parade will begin forming up at around 11.15am at the Town Common.

OUR PATCH Bookings for Monday 15th April

Re: School Closure - Monday 15th April

We trust everyone is enjoying the school holiday break.

On Monday 15th April we have a Student-Free Day, with Term 2 starting on Tuesday 16th April.

OUR PATCH are planning on opening all day on Monday 15th but require minimum numbers.  Families that are interested in accessing care on this day are asked to jump into the Our Patch booking system to reserve a spot.  Our Patch is a terrific onsite care option families but also a great socilaisation space for children.

Our Patch Bookings & Information

Last Day of Term Events

We wish every family a blessed and safe Easter.

Can I take this opportunity to again thank everyone who has contributed to our school community.  In particular can I acknowledge the efforts of Mrs.Stevenson in coordinating yesterday's Athletics Day a well as thank the staff, parents and helpers who raked, measured and did many other things to ensure the day ran smoothly.

Today is the last day of term and we have a jam-packed day of events starting with the senior student leading us in a prayerful, dramatic presentation of the Easter story.  Please feel free to come along.

10.00am Stations of the Cross performance in the Parish Hall

11.30am Easter Raffle TV Show starring the student leaders

12.30pm School Ends

A reminder that Our Patch is available today from 12.30pm and is also offering a School Holiday Program.

Have a great rest from the routine of school - May the blessings of Easter inspire and encourage you.


Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser

A reminder that orders are closing so don't delay!!/login

Week 8

Week Eight is looking Great

Monday 18th March                

Hot Cross Bun Orders

Orders close today on CDF-Pay.  We thank everyone for supporting this fundraiser, whether you ordered one or fifty packets.

Harmony Day

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.​ We will be celebrating Harmony Day so everyone, young and old, are encouraged to wear a splash of orange with their uniform.  


Student Leader Badge presentation - All families welcome to attend to celebrate our leaders as well as acknowledge the start of Harmony Week.

Wednesday 20th March           

Easter Raffle Casual Clothes Day

We ask everyone to bring in on the day a donation for the raffle hampers.  A casual clothes day before school photos also might help have your uniforms nice and clean!

Eucharist Workshop at 5pm in the Hub

Thursday 21st March              

School Photos

Please remember to bring in your individual photo envelope.  Parents can collect Family/Sibling Photo envelopes from the Office.

Friday 22nd March                 

National Ride to School Day & Breakfast

Have a think about being more active on this day.  More details were in this week’s newsletter.  Some parent helpers would be great to help with breakfast … and make Easter Raffle Hampers afterwards.


Eucharist Commitment Masses

REMINDER: School Closure Day

Tomorrow is Student-Free Day tomorrow (Tues 12/3) to allow staff to attend a Professional Learning Day. Our Patch will be open.

Icy-Pole Helpers

Weather looks warm for the next few days. If you can help sell icypoles any days this week or next week please let the office know.

School Photos NEW DATE: 21st March

Students will be bringing their photo envelopes home today. Those wanting sibling photos can pick up the sibling envelope at the office.

Hot Days = Zooper Doopers

Zooper Doopers will be on sale on Wednesday. If any parents are available to help from about 1.15pm please let the office know.

Hot Weather Alert

With the weather forecast for today predicted to be hot we will put various strategies into place to care for the health and safety of everyone in our school community.  A key strategy we use on these days is to adjust and/or limited our outside breaks.

A key feature of our school includes the air conditioning and ventilation systems. The floor plan of the school also reduces the need for people to be moving between buildings which helps keeps the buildings and humans cooler.  We also have multiple bottle filling stations, including the very popular filtered cool water station in the new corridor.

We currently have a good stock of Zooper Doopers in the freezer and these will be for sale at lunchtime for 50 cents - We would love some parent helpers to come up just prior to lunchtime to help coordinate this.  If you can assist please contact the office or see me in the morning.

Finally, please make sure you have your hat at school, pack your water bottle and consider applying sunscreen.

Take care.